Research Investment and Expenditure into the Mathematical Sciences

23 MAY 2024

This updated report, published by MATRIX and AMSI, analyses investment and expenditure in Australia to support research in the mathematical sciences over the period 2008-2024 using current publicly available data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Medical and Health Research Council (NHMRC).

The report includes a summary of key observations and the latest release from the ABS of 2022 data on expenditure in research and development carried out by higher education organisations in Australia.

Download report (pdf 675KB)

Media release

Professor Jan de Gier, Director MATRIX
Mr Tom Keegan, Executive Officer MATRIX
Ms Sophie Kennedy, Program Officer AMSI
Dr Maaike Wienk, The University of Melbourne

Previous version: Research Investment and Expenditure into the Mathematical Sciences (May 2022)

For interview

Professor Jan de Gier, Director, MATRIX

To arrange an interview or for more information please contact:

Tom Keegan, Executive Officer, MATRIX
M: 0425 754 902 E: