
MATRIX is a partnership between the Australian National University, Monash University, the University of Melbourne and the University of Queensland.

MATRIX Executive Team:
Prof. Jan de Gier, MATRIX Director (The University of Melbourne)
Prof. Peter Bouwknegt, MATRIX Deputy Director (The Australian National University)
Prof. David Wood, MATRIX Deputy Director (Monash University)
Prof. Joseph Grotowski, MATRIX Deputy Director (The University of Queensland)

MATRIX is overseen by a Stakeholder Group; senior academic members from the Australian National University, Monash University, the University of Melbourne and the University of Queensland.

Membership of the MATRIX Advisory Board is made up of world-leading mathematical scientists and industry representatives. For further details, visit our  MATRIX Advisory Board page.

The MATRIX Scientific Committee oversees and advises to ensure the high quality of our MATRIX research programs. Membership of the Scientific Committee strives for a balance of mathematical disciplines, geography and gender. The Committee members are outstanding scientists in their own rights within their discipline. For further details, visit our MATRIX Scientific Committee page.