In memoriam: Jim Simons

24 MAY 2024 MATRIX is deeply saddened by the passing of James “Jim” Simons on May 10, 2024. Jim Simons was an acclaimed mathematician, a pioneer in quantitative investing, and a generous philanthropist. Simons’ mathematical work primarily focused on the geometry and topology of manifolds. His 1962 Berkeley PhD thesis, written under the direction of Bertram Kostant, gave a new … Read More

Congratulations to Professor Alison Etheridge – Appointed Inaugural President of the Academy for the Mathematical Sciences

20 MAY 2024 MATRIX congratulates Professor Alison Etheridge OBE FRS on her appointment as the inaugural President of the Academy for the Mathematical Sciences  (AcadMathSci) in the United Kingdom. The AcadMathSci will “…be an authoritative and persuasive voice for the whole of mathematical sciences….This includes teaching and education, academic research pushing the frontiers of what is known, and the implementation … Read More

MATRIX sponsors the National Science Quiz 2023

MATRIX is proud to have sponsored the National Science Quiz held on Sunday, 27 August 2023. Watch the recording of the Quiz If you missed it or would like to watch the Quiz again, you can do so via the NSQ YouTube Channel. Ever since it was established in 2016, the National Science Quiz aims to celebrate science and inspire … Read More

The many faces at MATRIX

It has been wonderful to see so many new and different faces at the vibrant recent MATRIX research programs. Intensive and in-person research interactions create lasting impact in mathematical sciences research. This short video will give you a good impression of the breadth and diversity at MATRIX, please share it within your networks. I encourage you to find out what … Read More

Research Investment and Expenditure into the Mathematical Sciences

AMSI-MATRIX REPORT24 MAY 2022 This updated report, published by MATRIX and AMSI, analyses investment and expenditure in Australia to support research in the mathematical sciences over the period 2008-2021/22 using current publicly available data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Medical and Health Research Council (NHMRC). The report includes a summary … Read More

ARC infrastructure grant success for MATRIX

Congratulations to Chief Investigators Jan de Gier, Peter Bouwknegt, David Wood and Joseph Grotowski on their successful ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF LE22) application for MATRIX. The LIEF scheme provides funding for research infrastructure, equipment and facilities to eligible organisations. The scheme enables researchers to participate in cooperative initiatives so that expensive research infrastructure, equipment and facilities … Read More

New MATRIX-Simons Collaborative Fund to Enhance Engagement

  MATRIX, Australia’s international research institute for the mathematical sciences, has created a new fund to enhance knowledge sharing with external partners. The fund is made available by a generous grant from the US-based Simons Foundation. Research programs with financial support from business, industry, government, funding bodies or donors will be eligible to receive matched funding up to $20,000. Mathematical … Read More